The struggle with “Am I DOING enough?”

I used to struggle with not feeling good enough. Luckily, I’ve done deep emotional work on this over the years and have come to peace with it. ⠀

*New struggle* 

Am I DOING enough? At the end of the day, no matter what I get done, a voice will kick in – Did I do enough? 

Did I give enough? 

Did I do enough for others? 

This isn’t a post saying I’ve conquered this and here are the 3 secrets how to do it. I’m saying – if you ever feel like you don’t DO enough, I feel you, but i got my EQ toolbox out and I’m workin on it 👷‍♀️🛠.⠀

I don’t want to live a life where, no matter what I do, in my mind it’s never enough. Do you? 

Let’s recognize that these aren’t normal times and that we’re doing our best to navigate through it all. ⠀

Let’s be patient and gentle with ourselves. 

– If you got 2 things done on your laundry list of 50, celebrate the 2 things 🎉. ⠀

– If you wanted to organize your garage and you ended up sitting and flipping through an old photo album (this was me), it’s okay! ⠀

– If you planned to go for a 5-mile run and you ended up just rubbin your dog’s belly (also me) it’s okay! 😁⠀

– If you were kind and thoughtful towards others, rest your head and sleep like a baby knowing you did your best today. 

The small things we do need to be recognized just as much as the big things. If there’s never any acknowledgement of your own efforts, what’s the point?

At the end of the day, take a moment to close your eyes, see the day you just had unfold in your mind’s eye. See your efforts, see you trying to get the kids ready for school, see yourself doing your best at work, see yourself working out even though you didn’t feel like it. 

Say quietly to yourself, “I see you. I see what you do. I’m proud of you. Tomorrow is a new day.”

Whatever it is, whatever you’re doing with your time, LET. IT. BE. ENOUGH.