You Right To Take Up Space

You were not put on this earth to play small, to stay silent.

You are not here to feel invisible, to hide, to feel lost in the crowd. 

You are not here to be agreeable when you really don’t agree. 

You are not here to apologize your way through life, or go out of your way to make others comfortable neglecting yourself in the process. 

You are not here to live in fear of judgement, criticism, or feeling ashamed. 

“Who does she think she is? Who does he think he is?

Do you dim your light for other’s comfort? 

Shrink to not upset others or make waves? 

Do you tiptoe through life to not disturb anyone or anything?

Have you disconnected from your true self?

We don’t serve ourselves or anyone by playing small…

You are meant to take up space on this earth, my love. 

It is your right.

You are meant to share your gifts with others.

It’s too beautiful not to. 

Our Divine Creator makes everything whole. 

You were meticulously and thoughtfully designed. 

What you may label or feel as “not being enough” or “being too much”…. is perfect in our Creator’s eyes. 

We are here to share our gifts, to connect, to give. 

You were made to love and be loved. 

You are here to share all of you – your joy, your pain, your passion, your hurt, all of it.

Give yourself wholly to others, and receive and accept others in their wholeness. 

You were given a voice to speak your truth, hands to heal, a heart to love, and a mind to create. Show the world who you are, what you have to say. 

Give yourself permission to take up space unapologetically…

Take up as much space as you possibly can, my love, the space only you were designed to fill.

It’s your right.

Lean into your openness, your expansiveness.

Your freedom…

Say to the world with your shoulders back, head held high: 

This is me.

This is who I am.

This is me and all my beauty, all my messiness, all my complexity. 

I have so much to give.

Here I am. 


Push your own boundaries painting your life with all the vibrant colors you have on your palette.

You must believe deep down you belong in every room you walk in.

You must believe your opinions and thoughts are valid.

You must believe that you are worthy of all life has to offer. 

You must believe that life has been rigged in your favor. 

You must believe in your own greatness…

What you want, what you need, how you think, how you feel all matters, my love. 

In order to let the light in, you have to let the light out. Surrender to the beauty in life. Surrender yourself to give your gifts to the world, and receive the beauty the world has to offer you in return. 

Look for it. Protect it. Treasure it. 

Bloom wildly and grow in whatever direction you choose. 

Ask for what you need and want. 

Say no when needed, my love. 

It’s ok.

Create and protect time and space just for you.

Share your accomplishments and Stand proud.

Come home to yourself now. 

Once you come home to yourself fully, you’ll inspire others to do the same.

Step into the fullest expression of God’s greatest creation:
