What’s your definition of beauty?

For a long time I thought my worth, as a woman, was based on what I looked like. 

I thought that’s how people will accept me. That’s why a man would love me. 

I fell into society’s narrow definition of what it considers “beautiful.” 

I molded and forced myself into that definition. 

I exhausted my body, hurt it, put it under the knife to achieve it. 

The thing is, it’s never enough. 

It will never be enough. 

I NEVER remember thinking, I’ve made it! I’ve achieved my goal! 

Do you?

It just always seems to be out of our grasp. 

If we’re in this never ending rat race, we’re also signed up to be apart of The Comparison Trap as well. 

We’ll always find someone better, younger, prettier, skinnier, curvier, sexier, healthier. 

It’s a race we can’t win. 

This isn’t to be confused with wanting to improve your appearance for a positive change, a healthy weight goal, good skincare or makeup to enhance our beauty. 

The problem arises if you’re wanting to change how you look due to seeing unrealistic perfection or because of the constant pressure from society’s standards of beauty.

The problem is enhancing YOUR unique beauty turns into changing who you are ALTOGETHER!

Instead of society’s definition of what’s beautiful, ask yourself: 

What is MY definition of what’s beautiful? 

What’s GOD’S definition of beautiful? 

Or Kahlil Gibran’s definition, “Beauty is not in the face. Beauty is a light in the heart.” 

So what’s your definition of beauty?