5 Ways to Discover What Your Inner Strength Is

Your inner strength is what you use to bounce back from failures or obstacles that prevent you from moving forward in life or in business. It may be hard to define what inner strength really is or how to develop it. 

Here are 5 ways you can discover what your inner strength is and how to make it stronger.

1. Learn to love yourself

You may think you love yourself, but if you feel insecure, or you continually put yourself down because you didn’t reach the goals you’ve set, that negative self-talk is an indication that you’re not too happy with yourself. 

Get to know your personality and learn to be comfortable with it. You can use personality tools like the Kolbe test to help you understand who you are and what your strengths and talents are. This test can help you discover how you function best. 

As you discover and work on knowing yourself, you will become a happier person. You’ll know what direction to take in business and in your life. You will be able to respond to unexpected challenges better instead of reacting to them. 

2. Take time to do something you’re REALLY good at! 

To develop your inner strength after facing a difficult situation is to do something you’re really good at. If you are in a sad situation, doing something you love will release endorphins into your system that make you feel good again. 

What are some things you love to do? Make a list start doing them. Do you love painting, kayaking, bike riding, jogging, singing, playing guitar or skiing? 

You will find that what you need to build your inner strength through those trying situations is to do what your body needs right at that moment. Something you love! But don’t stop doing them once you feel great again. Keep doing them a few times a week, which will continue to build yourself up.

3. Find your tribe

Have you been around people who always seem to make you feel good and inspired? Those are the kinds of people you want to surround yourself with. They will encourage you and inspire you.

If you hang out with the wrong people, they can deplete your energy instead of reviving you. You will end up leaving their company feeling discouraged and negative about life. 

Make the effort to keep good, encouraging company who celebrate you.

4. Adopt a healthy lifestyle

If you are healthy and living a healthy lifestyle, your inner strength will grow too. 

Keeping fit can be hard sometimes. And we all battle with weight gain. But it’s worth the effort to focus on getting fit and healthy. You will feel great about yourself as you begin to fit into clothes that used to be a little too tight. 

Choose to eat healthy and exercise daily. If you add something healthy to your diet every day, instead of feeling like you always have to restrict your diet, it will become easier to let go of unhealthy food. 

The way you dress can impact how you will feel when you look in the mirror too. If you look good physically and you’re dressed nice, you will start your day feeling strong. 

5. Remember that you’re amazing!

When you’re feeling down and like a failure, you may find it hard to remember what an amazing person you are.

One way to remind yourself of who you are is to keep a file, either online or offline, of all the nice cards with lovely sentiments you’ve received. Keep all the emails you’ve received from your friends and family that say something wonderful about you or that thank you for something special you did for them. 

Anytime you receive a compliment, write it down and save it. When someone encourages you and reminds you of all the good qualities you have, keep track of those encouraging words. Keep a journal of all the situations where you helped someone or gave someone something when they needed it most and they showered you with praise. 

Read those words and sentiments when you’re feeling like you aren’t making a difference to anybody. You will feel hope rise up in you all over again. 

Your inner strength needs to be nurtured. Inner strength is a deep belief in yourself. As you develop it, you will become more resilient to adverse situations because you will find that your inner strength will not depend on circumstances.

Focus more on self-love and compassion. Discover your purpose and inner strength will naturally follow. Let go of your past failures and mistakes and situations you can’t change. Set yourself up for success and use positive empowering thoughts and routines to build your inner strength.

What’s the first step you will take towards building your inner strength today?