Have you Fallen Victim to Society’s Myths About Beauty?

Has anyone ever told you that they love you exactly the way you are? Maybe it was hard to believe because you fell victim to society’s myths about beauty. How could you possibly be beautiful without makeup or doing your hair perfect or covering up all those flaws you think you have?

And who told you that you are flawed anyway? It’s everywhere. Keeping up with the beauty standards thrown at you every day is hard to do. So maybe that’s why you don’t believe when someone tells you that you’re beautiful just the way you are, or that they love you just the way you are. 

It’s time to start believing it and stop striving to make yourself look and feel perfect.

Social Media is Changing Our Perception of Beauty

You probably grew up in a time when movies, magazines, and television influenced young people with what type of body image they had to have. Everyone was made to believe that ‘thin’ is the only way a person is beautiful. 

But since social media has come into the picture, you have an added force of influence on your body image for your teens and young adults. Exposure to beauty influencers has become too big. 

Posting your picture on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat is how so many people seek approval for their looks. And they compare themselves with others constantly. When you do that you know you’re going to find someone who looks more beautiful than yourself. This often leads to low self-esteem, low self-worth, and depression.

How can anyone compete?

Young women and men as well end up spending most of their time posting, commenting and comparing themselves to photos on the net. 

People who take lots of selfies can now alter their looks with all the different apps available. They can cover up facial flaws, whiten their teeth and even airbrush with the swipe of a finger. They can make themselves look prettier and thinner.

This only serves to create an illusion of who you really are.

We Need to Redefine What Makes Women Attractive

Will anyone step up and start telling the world what really makes women attractive? And fill social media with real facts about what makes someone beautiful. 

Comparing yourself to airbrushed photos is not how to define your own beauty. If you see a beautiful woman, it doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful. Don’t worry and stress over all the ‘likes’ and ‘comments’ someone gets on social media for a phony airbrushed photo they posted of themselves. 

If you post a photo of yourself without all the touch-ups but you still feel beautiful, then you’re way ahead of the game. Be thankful for who you are and how you look without being fake. 

Don’t be pulled in by all the pressure women put on themselves to look flawless and perfect. Go to the mall and look at real people. You’ll soon notice nobody is perfect.

Social media creates unrealistic expectations for women to look more beautiful and appealing before anyone will like you.

A truly beautiful woman knows her worth and she is confident. But the digital age and dating apps neglect to promote how important a beautiful personality is. People can create any type of personality they want online.

It’s time to be real and genuine and vulnerable. You want your daughters to grow up knowing what real beauty is. Teach them how inner beauty like kindness, love, joy, and gratitude are the things to strive for. The outside doesn’t matter as much as the inside!

So, What Makes a Woman Beautiful?

What are the characteristics that make a woman shine inside and out?

A beautiful woman has a way of calmly handling everyday situations with grace and confidence. She will display several good traits in difficult situations and will show kindness to others, despite people’s flaws. Because everyone has flaws.

Her Compassion

If someone was encouraged to study and develop empathy towards others, instead of worrying about their looks, they would have more people attracted to them than they thought possible.

If a woman cares and has compassion about other people, that part of her personality shines through them. They are more respected than a phony made-up photo on the internet. 

Someone with empathy understands how other people are feeling. You look past their facades and failures and can make a meaningful connection. 

When you show empathy it doesn’t matter what you look like. You understand people and cares about their problems more than your own. And that’s a quality higher than looks alone. 

Her Passions

A woman is admired when she follows her passions. It shows that she is enjoying the things that bring her joy in the midst of all the extra things she has to do when raising a family and building a home.

Don’t let the myths about beauty make you forget your passions in life. Maybe you want to start an online business, or become a writer. These qualities are more valuable than someone who scrolls on social media looking for a way to be more beautiful.

Do the things that bring you joy and set goals for the things you love to do. 

Her Intellect

A woman is truly beautiful when she pursues her intellect. She doesn’t sit back and quit learning about the world or anything she’s interested in. When you meet someone who for example studies the stars, and they know so much about what’s going on in the sky, you respect that lady instantly. Her knowledge is uplifting and encouraging for you.

You learn that being smart about different things is something that grows your self-worth and that the pursuit of knowledge is attractive and essential to your existence. 

You can still be a beautiful person with your nose in a book. 

Her Positivity 

Sometimes it may be hard to stay positive if you’re surrounded by overwhelming circumstances. But if you learn how to bounce back and can see the good in all that is around you, then you make your life more interesting. 

You can cultivate adventure and positivity by doing spontaneous things. Sing and dance with your children. You’ll all feel wonderful. Maybe you like to kayak or hike in the mountains and travel the world doing it. What fun!

Appreciating all the good things in life is way more attractive than falling victim to bad circumstances. And as you cultivate a positive outlook, others can follow your example. 

Her Confidence

Confidence is not seeking out praise from other people But a lot of that goes on in social media too. It tends to stroke one’s ego. 

A truly confident woman doesn’t need others to notice her and tell her how beautiful she looks, or what a great speech she made. Or how great her clothes are. 

Confidence is when a woman is proud of what she’s accomplished without needing praise. She looks good as well as pursues her interests and goals. Her confidence grows as she tackles each goal and pushes through to achieving it. She may get praise from other people, but she doesn’t seek it out on purpose. 

Would you believe it if someone told you that you were beautiful? Not many women believe it. Apparently, only 2% of women do. It’s because of society’s myths about beauty. All everyone talks about is how they look. Or the clothes they wear. We all seem to be judged by outer things including our weight. It doesn’t seem to matter what you’ve accomplished academically or what you’re learning in college. Social media has pulled everyone in to worry more about their looks.

Maybe you can steer your conversations away from comments about looks. Start talking to your friends or strangers about more important topics and challenges in life. Be the example many women need to start building their character instead of doing the comparison game about looks and beauty.